Oak Park Community Garden (OPCG) is dedicated to maintaining an organic community garden that provides education and beautification to the community and supplies food for its members. Garden members maintain the grounds at the garden, working in a spirit of cooperation and fellowship. Our goal is to offer a safe and attractive environment to people desiring a place to grow edible produce and/or flowers. The Garden is for the use of its members and their households. Visitors are allowed into the Garden during open houses, OPCG community events, or by invitation from the OPCG Directors or Garden members.
These Rules and Regulations are intended to ensure the maintenance of a neat and productive garden area and assure a pleasant environment for all persons in the garden.
The Oak Park Community Garden is a non-profit charitable organization operating as an Activity Committee of the Community Foundation for Oak Park. The Garden is located at 401 Kanan Rd Oak Park, CA 91377.
It comprises 71 individual parcels, each measuring 10 feet by 20 feet, on approximately one acre of land separated by fencing from the adjacent open space and residential neighborhoods on the northwest corner of the intersection of Kanan Road and Sunnycrest Drive in Oak Park on land owned by the Rancho Simi.
The Garden operates on the organic method of gardening. The use of inorganic pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, inorganic rodenticides or inorganic herbicide is not permitted. Only biological pesticides, beneficial insects, and organic cultural practices are allowed for the control of garden pests. Parcel renters are also required to use approved organic gardening, watering and soil conservation methods. Use of non-organic materials can result in termination of gardening privileges.
An unpaid volunteer elected Board of Directors govern the organization.
Hours at the garden are from sunrise to sunset. I, or members of my household, will maintain my parcel.
Each parcel will provide up to two hours per month as needed and designated by the board for the maintenance of the garden as a whole. The Garden Manager or appointed Garden Maintenance Coordinator will identify and prepare lists of work needed. Members will record a photo before and after “Work Log'' of the time spent and task(s) performed. This will be submitted to the Garden Manager or appointed Garden Maintenance Coordinator in a timely fashion via email/text. This work will be done by the gardeners themselves, or by members of their household, or by other OPCG members who volunteer to donate community service hours to them. Gardeners may not pay others to perform this work. Gardeners who do not perform their community service will be assessed a $20 fine, per month for the months designated for service. These fines are due within 30 days or no later than quarterly.
Regular workdays to perform community service will normally be scheduled for the third Saturday of the month. Members may complete their assigned tasks on days other than the scheduled Saturday. Special workdays will be scheduled as needed, if the board deems it necessary. Service performed on special workdays will be applied toward the members monthly service requirement.
It is the responsibility of the head of parcel gardener to make sure that the required community service is completed for a shared parcel.
OPCG Board Directors are exempt from community service in consideration for the services they provide to the OPCG.
Committee heads and members shall be credited with hours they contribute toward special projects with the approval of a quorum OPCG Directors. The number of hours credited for special projects will be decided by the OPCG Directors.
Any existing parcel irrigation systems (those connected by PVC pipe to the community garden plumbing) will be allowed to remain until the present parcel holder discontinues membership in the Garden. A new parcel renter wishing to assume responsibility for an existing watering system may do so; however, the OPCG makes no guarantees for the system’s functionality. New parcel irrigation systems that connect by PVC pipe to the community garden plumbing will be allowed provided the renter has: Submitted a written plan of the plumbing system with its layout to the Directors prior to approval.
Any new irrigation system installations re replacing/updating of currently existing ones shall be drip irrigation style.
There is trash service to the garden.
The below rules apply specifically to the individually, member rented parcel lots.
Guidelines for the Oak Park Community Garden parcels have been set by the Rancho Simi Recreation Parks Department in conjunction with our surrounding neighbors and in consideration of neighborhood esthetics.
Parcels measure 10 feet by 20 feet. Each parcel under one gardener’s care will carry the same responsibilities, including financial.
When a member is not in compliance with any of the Operating Rules and Regulations, he/she will be issued a letter of Non-Compliance and will be given three weeks to correct the situation. If the issue is not rectified, a second letter of Non-Compliance will be issued, and the member will be given one week to remedy the situation. If the problem has not been corrected by the end of that week, a Notice of Non-Compliance and Eviction will be sent, and the member will have one week to relinquish the parcel back to the Oak Park Community Garden. Anything in the garden parcel that has not been removed by that time will be subject to disposition by the Board of the OPCG.
Members may appeal the loss of membership to the Board of Directors within 30 days of the
date of termination. The appeal can be either in person or in writing. Oak Park Community
Garden Directors will discuss the issue at the next Board meeting or at a special meeting
called by the president. The terminated member will be invited to the meeting. The decision of
the Board of Directors is final.
The Board of Directors of the OPCG is the final arbiter of any disputes or violation of garden
rules and regulations. Complaints or questions about the Garden should be brought to the
Board either in person or in writing.
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